Edassery Resorts


Edassery Resorts

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Edassery Resorts: outdoor wedding venue Kochi

Edassery Resorts: outdoor wedding venue Kochi

Edassery Resorts, located near Kochi, is a wonderful choice for events, especially weddings. The outdoor areas and expansive lawns provide a perfect setting for special occasions. What’s cool about it isn’t just its beauty but also the fancy features and great services it offers. The large outdoor spaces act like a blank canvas for event planners to create the perfect setting. Whether it’s the natural beauty or the well-designed facilities, it’s all about bringing a magical touch to events.

They offer awesome rooms with cool features and amazing water views. The place is not just nice but also really convenient, with lots of parking, great food services, and delicious options, including South Indian and North Indian dishes. They work to ensure guests have a super memorable and enjoyable time, providing a simple and inviting experience. Whether you’re there for the stunning views, a comfortable stay, or the tasty food, it’s all about making your time extra special with lots of happy moments.

Jaspira Wedding Planners has lots of experience setting up events at this great outdoor venue in Kochi Kerala.It’s a super green spot that’s perfect for weddings. If you want our help in making your upcoming event awesome and get a special lower price by booking through this place, just contact us today. Picture a lovely resort near Kochi called Edassery Resorts, all surrounded by lots of green plants—a perfect scene for weddings and other events.

Jaspira Wedding Planners are really good at organizing things, and they’re here to help you plan your special day at this pretty venue. When you get in touch with us, you might even get a special deal, making it a fantastic chance to make your celebration really memorable!


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Edassery Resorts

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